Religious service (probably Easter) held at the Hollywood Bowl, Hollywood (undated)

Religious service (probably Easter) held at the Hollywood Bowl, Hollywood (undated)I couldn’t nail down a date for this photo of the Hollywood Bowl. The best I can do is that it must be after 1929 because that’s when the Bowl took on a concentric circle design. But with the on-stage choir organized in the shape of a cross, I’m guessing it was probably at Easter because the Bowl is famous for its Easter sunrise services. In fact, it looks like there was another huge choir standing four rows deep along the front of the stage. Together with the orchestra sitting stage left, I can only imagine the music all those people made that day.

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2 responses to “Religious service (probably Easter) held at the Hollywood Bowl, Hollywood (undated)”

  1. Martin Pal says:

    Thanks for this photo and reminding me of when I attended this one year.

    Because of a photo I saw once, taken during WWII, of a Sunrise Easter Service at the Hollywood Bowl, it was something I always wanted to do. After asking various people every year and not finding anyone who would commit to going to one, I decided to go myself one year. It’s really something to see in person. I mean, you do have to be up half the night to get there before sunrise! Putting aside any relation to Easter if one is inclined to, it’s something worth seeing for the spectacle alone. What a setting! Much of the program is mostly in darkness and when the sun does come up it’s a spectacular event. (There must’ve been some years when it’s cloudy, I’d guess. I recall one year it was raining.)

    Frankly, after near 100 years of this event, I think recently they don’t even do it any more. They didn’t one year I know because of construction going on there. I do hope I am wrong about that. Anyone know?

    • Hats off you for getting up in the middle of the night to attend a sunrise service! I don’t know that I’d have the get-up-and-go to do that, but this particular service must have really been a sight to behold.

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