Interior view of the Hollywood Pacific Theatre, 6433 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood

Interior view of the Hollywood Pacific Theatre, 6433 Hollywood Blvd, HollywoodI’ve lived in Los Angeles since the mid-1990s and during that whole time, the Hollywood Pacific Theatre at 6433 Hollywood Blvd has been closed down and boarded up. I’ve never even seen the lobby, let alone the auditorium. So coming across this photo was a real find. Get a load of all that intricate decoration above the tall arches on the second floor. No wonder it used to be one of Warner Bros. flagship theaters in LA.

To see more interior photos go here.

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6 responses to “Interior view of the Hollywood Pacific Theatre, 6433 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood”

  1. Last time I saw movie there is was a multi-plex! Ghastly.

  2. Gordon says:

    It would be wonderful if they would open place again.

  3. Paula says:

    I love the scenic painting on the walls behind the arches. It’s like a Tuscan villa.

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