Color photo looking east along Sunset Blvd to the Cinerama Dome theater, Hollywood, 1965

Color photo looking east along Sunset Blvd to the Cinerama Dome theater, Hollywood, 1965These days, the Cinerama Dome is crowded in on three side with developments of all types, so it’s a little strange to see it out there on its own during its early days. It opened in 1963 and this photo was taken a couple of years later in 1965 when “The Greatest Story Ever Told” was playing. It must have been pretty spectacular to see in the wide-screen Cinerama format given that at the time, it was the most expensive movie ever shot in the US ($20 million budget.)

** UPDATE ** – Lew Irwin says: “The last movie to be released in the Cinerama format was 1962’s “How the West Was Won.” “The Greatest Story Ever Told” was shot and released in 70mm. Although the budget was indeed $20 million, it grossed just $15.5 million. Apart from the fact that it was a plodding bore of a movie, a principal reason for its doing so poorly at the box office was that it ran nearly 4½ hours — meaning that it could only be screened once per night.”

This is roughly the same view in June 2022:

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