A Ford Model T automobile is parked in front a home in the Glen Oaks housing tract of Glendale, California, 1928

A Ford Model T automobile is parked in front a home in the Glen Oaks housing tract of Glendale, California, 1928I do love coming across a pristine photograph from yesteryear and this one is a great example. A Ford Model T automobile is parked in front a home in the Glen Oaks housing tract of Glendale in 1928. I wish I knew the address so that I could look it up to see if the house still exists. I sure hope so because it’s too pretty to tear down, and would, I’d imagine, have lovely views across Glendale.

** UPDATE ** – The address of this place is 2401 Cascadia Dr, Glendale, and the house is still there:

The auto-colorizer did a pretty good job bringing this image to life.

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13 responses to “A Ford Model T automobile is parked in front a home in the Glen Oaks housing tract of Glendale, California, 1928”

  1. john says:

    I love this style home!!! I also wish you had a current photo.

  2. Todd F says:

    I’m not 100% certain, but I think this is the property today: https://goo.gl/maps/qHESTorjfCTiJtGw5

    Property records say the current home was built in 1997 and satellite imagery from 1994 shows the land to be vacant. I hope I’m wrong but I think this beautiful house is sadly gone.

  3. john says:

    Why would anyone tear down such a beautiful home????? I don’t get it at all. People in the 20s and 30s had class and knew when something was beautiful. People today are knuckle heads!!!!

  4. Todd F says:

    Great news on the update! I’m glad I was wrong and that the house is still there!

    • john says:

      Todd, Any current photo’s of this home?

      • Todd says:

        I do not have any current photos of the home. I can see the current owner info, and that the home hasn’t been listed for sale on the open market or changed hands for at least the last 30 years. That explains why there are no pictures of the home in the wild.

        The house was built in 1927, so Martin’s photo is from when the house was almost new.

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