Looking east along Wilshire Blvd past the Warner Bros Theater, during a parade through Beverly Hills, circa mid 1930s

Looking east along Wilshire Blvd past the Warner Bros Theater, during a parade through Beverly Hills, circa mid 1930sOne of Warner Bros.’ flagship theaters was the one that stood at 9404 Wilshire Blvd at Canon Dr. in Beverly Hills. This photo is looking east along Wilshire sometime around the mid 1930s when a parade was in progress. Or maybe it was a bunch of guys on horseback caught in stop-and-go traffic. I don’t know what was playing at the theater that day, but their parking lot looks rather jammed.

This was the August 2022 view looking east along Wilshire Blvd from where the Warners Theater once stood. That site is now a parking lot.

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11 responses to “Looking east along Wilshire Blvd past the Warner Bros Theater, during a parade through Beverly Hills, circa mid 1930s”

  1. marguerite guineheux says:

    A lot is going on in this fab picture. A see a blimp in the background. Unless I’m wrong. I see a tree in the street that I gather they wanted to preserve. It does look like a small parade. Some people standing around. One, think is a woman with her hands akimbo. A very long pale colored coat with long slits on the side. It could be a dress. In either case an unusual style for that era. It all looks far more human and civilized than the present day picture. The latter is very cold looking. As usual not much street life. What have we lost!

  2. Paul Yonadi Jr says:

    Wonder who owned the blimp high in the skyline?

  3. Chris K says:

    You think thats the Good year Blimp in the back ground?

  4. Skip Nicholson says:

    As Marguerite says, there’s a lot going on. wonderful signs to read, people to study… but we all gravitated toward that blimp! Curious.

  5. Gordon says:

    Can’t have too many parking lots.

  6. Al Donnelly says:

    As long on we’re on Wilshire, a heads up to anyone interested. Spotted a single online available match cover (no torches) for The Gas Lite bar at 2030 Wilshire in Santa Monica. (Seller is back east.) Joint dates to 1962 and had some local history in music hosting (before DIY singsonging). Artwork looks typical to that era.

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