Aerial photograph looking south across orange groves of what is now Studio City and Sherman Oaks in the San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles, 1919

Aerial photograph looking south across orange groves of what is now Studio City and Sherman Oaks in the San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles, 1919These days, the areas of the San Fernando Valley known as Studio City and Sherman Oaks are wall-to-wall suburban development. But for the first few decades of the 20th century, and even up to WWII, most of that was carpeted with orchards—oranges and lemons, mostly. This aerial photo was taken in 1919, when some of that land wasn’t developed at all! We’re facing south, looking toward the Hollywood Hills, so I’m guessing that road that cuts horizontally around two-thirds the way up the image is Ventura Blvd, which is now 18 continuous miles of shoulder-to-shoulder businesses, restaurants, gas stations, mini malls, and office blocks.

Daniel K. says: “I think the view is actually to the north, and those aren’t the Hollywood Hills but the San Gabriels.”

This is a March 2021 satellite image of roughly the same area.

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