Instructions on how to use a dial telephone

instructions on how to use a dial telephoneI had a bit of a laugh when I came across this description I found in an old online telephone directory – instructions on how to use a dial telephone. It had never occurred to me that anyone would need instructions because its operation seemed so obvious. But only to those of us who grew up with them, and not to the first generation of people for him such things were brand new. And neither, I subsequently realized, would today’s cell phone generation know how to use a dial telephone. What goes around, comes around. (Pun intended.)

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10 responses to “Instructions on how to use a dial telephone”

  1. stephen dimmick says:

    This is WILD!

  2. M. Mitchell Marmel says:

    I’m surprised you didn’t include the bit about not mistaking O for 0… 😀

  3. Gordon Sims says:

    Must be a slow day.

  4. Matt says:

    Late mother was a telephone operator as a teenager during World War II in Palm Springs. Relayed when VE Day was declared, ending the war in Europe, the telephone switchboard “lit up like a Christmas Tree” in that everyone was calling everyone they knew to relay the news. Mom relayed supervisors instructed all the operators to listen in & disconnect calls not of importance! Only time such instructions ever given to the operators, to keep the lines available for important matters –

  5. Al Donnelly says:

    Non-sensical Japanese stereo instructions! Everyone knows…always let your dialing finger take the free ride back!!

  6. Paula says:

    I’ve heard that someone asked some kids recently to make a call on a dial phone, and they had NO idea how to do it.

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