Vroman’s Bookstore at 60 E Colorado St, Pasadena, California, 1905

Vroman’s Bookstore at 60 E Colorado St, Pasadena, California, 1905On November 14, 1894, Adam Vroman opened his bookstore at 60 E Colorado St (now Blvd) in Pasadena. And now, 128 years later, it is still running and can claim lay claim to being Southern California’s oldest and largest independent bookstore. This photograph is from 1905 and shows us a very Victorian-looking store, painted dark with a nice window display. What I find interesting is that it sold more than books and stationery. It also stocked photo supplies and leather goods. Mr. Vroman (who left the store to his employees when he died in 1916) was smart to diversify!

Dave L quotes: “Mr. Vroman was also a passionate photographer, specializing in scenes of the American West and his portraits of Native Americans, notable for the respect he showed the people. Ansel Adams called Mr. Vroman one of his influences, and Mr. Vroman’s work hangs in both the Huntington and the Southwest Museum.”

These days, Vroman’s can be found at 695 E. Colorado Blvd. This is what 60 E. Colorado looks like now (June 2022) however I’m not convinced it’s the same building as in the vintage photo.

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4 responses to “Vroman’s Bookstore at 60 E Colorado St, Pasadena, California, 1905”

  1. Chris k says:

    I would say it is the same building just updated, by looking at the top of the new photo, all the decor design is around the 1900 period.

  2. stephen dimmick says:

    The original store’s building was built in 1890, it’s just been dramatically altered, although there are still wonderful details on the upper part of the structure that remain today

  3. Bill Wolfe says:

    Vroman’s also owns the excellent Book Soup on Sunset Strip across from the old Tower Records.

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