“From Mt. Wilson, 19 miles away, Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum shines in its aureole of searchlights like a fallen meteor amid constellation of city lights”

“From Mt. Wilson, 19 miles away, Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum shines in its aureole of searchlights like a fallen meteor amid constellation of city lights”The caption on this photo (which I assume is a postcard) reads: “From Mt. Wilson, 19 miles away, Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum shines in its aureole of searchlights like a fallen meteor amid constellation of city lights.” I have no idea what was going on at the Coliseum that night or when it was taken. It could have been the opening ceremony in 1923, or an Olympic Games event in 1932. Whatever it was, all those searchlights fanning across the sky must have been an impressive sight to see in real life.

** UPDATE ** – According to Forgotten Los Angeles on Twitter: “When the military joined forces with Hollywood to recreate a South Pacific battle for 100,000 spectators at @lacoliseum in an effort to renew public support as the US began its third year in the war. (Jan 8, 1944)”

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One response to ““From Mt. Wilson, 19 miles away, Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum shines in its aureole of searchlights like a fallen meteor amid constellation of city lights””

  1. I’d like to see a similar shot today.

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