A woman points to the “Entrance Griffith Park Zoo & Golf Links” sign, Los Angeles, circa 1915

A woman points to the “Entrance Griffith Park Zoo & Golf Links” sign, Los Angeles, circa 1915This photo hearkens back to circa 1915, when I can’t imagine there were many automobiles on LA’s roads yet. And the ones chugging around LA streets probably all looked like the one on the right. The smiling woman in the sun hat is pointing to a sign welcoming people the zoo and golf links section of the 3,015 acres that Griffith J. Griffith donated to the city of Los Angeles in 1896. The golf course opened on November 1, 1914 and is still around today. The zoo opened in opened in 1912 and closed in 1966 with the opening of the new Los Angeles Zoo. If you go wandering around that area, you can see some of the old enclosures. They were never torn down, so they look like a scene out of a Stephen King novel.

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One response to “A woman points to the “Entrance Griffith Park Zoo & Golf Links” sign, Los Angeles, circa 1915”

  1. William E Bergmann says:

    Neither should have been built.

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