Motorist poses for a photo at the western end of the Colorado Street Bridge, Pasadena, California, 1918

Motorist poses for a photo at the western end of the Colorado Street Bridge, Pasadena, California, 1918This smiling motorist seems very happy to pose for this photograph of him and his shiny new automobile (does anyone know what make it is?) as he sits at the western end of the Colorado Street Bridge heading into Pasadena. These days we all take the freeway to Pasadena, but back in 1918, this bridge was the main way in. It was only 5 years old when this photo was taken and still probably fairly free of traffic—of the motorized variety, anyway.

This is how the western approach to the Colorado Street Bridge looked in June 2022. These days, the bridge is lined with fences on both sides to prevent suicides. A necessary addition, I suppose, but it sure ruins the bridge’s elegance.


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2 responses to “Motorist poses for a photo at the western end of the Colorado Street Bridge, Pasadena, California, 1918”

  1. Gordon Pattison says:

    Sadly suicides began shortly after the beautiful Colorado Street bridge opened giving it the unofficial name, the Suicide Bridge.

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