Looking west along Wilshire Blvd from Commonwealth Ave toward the Town House Hotel and Bullocks Wilshire, Los Angeles, 1929

Looking west along Wilshire Blvd from Commonwealth Ave toward the Town House Hotel and Bullocks Wilshire, Los Angeles, 1929In this photo, we’re looking west along a gloriously uncluttered Wilshire Blvd from Commonwealth Ave. The two-toned building on the right was the Town House Hotel and further into the distance, we can see the iconic tower of the Bullocks Wilshire department store. This photo was identified as being 1929, which is the year that both these places opened. So for the locals, they would have been fresh additions to the skyline.

Miraculously, both buildings are still with us. The Town House is now affordable housing, and the Bullocks Wilshire building is now home to the Southwestern Law School. This image is from February 2023.


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8 responses to “Looking west along Wilshire Blvd from Commonwealth Ave toward the Town House Hotel and Bullocks Wilshire, Los Angeles, 1929”

  1. Gordon says:

    Very nice.
    Thank you.

  2. Ralph Conroy says:

    Thank you for this wonderful site filled with another era L A and how it is today. Please continue with the interesting site filled with a text that fleshes out the then and now.

  3. Earl Gandel says:

    Thanks for another memory. My brother-in-law (Nat Farber) was the pianist at the Town House in the ’50’s, when I was in high school. He later went on to be the musical coordinator for Dinah Shore, Danny Kaye and Carol Burnett.

  4. john says:

    Did any movie stars live at this hotel? Such a grand looking place.

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