Business Card for the Hollywood Hotel, Hollywood Blvd (then Prospect Ave), Hollywood, circa 1903

Business Card for the Hollywood Hotel, Hollywood Blvd (then Prospect Ave), Hollywood, circa 1903This is photo of the business card for Hotel Hollywood on the corner of Hollywood Blvd and Highland Ave. The fact is says “NOW OPEN” suggests that this comes from circa 1903, which is when the hotel opened. Its telephone was “Hollywood Main 111” – does that mean it got the first telephone in Hollywood? And $2 per day for an American Plan (breakfast, lunch, and dinner included) sounds like a good deal to me. Interestingly it doesn’t list an address – if it did, it would have said Prospect Ave instead of Hollywood Blvd – but I do love how it bills itself as the “Chief Hostelry of the Favorite Foothill Resort of Los Angeles.”

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5 responses to “Business Card for the Hollywood Hotel, Hollywood Blvd (then Prospect Ave), Hollywood, circa 1903”

  1. Gordon says:

    Martha Stewart?
    There’s got to be a story there…..??


  2. Earl Gandel says:

    And apparently Martha Stewart has been a hostess for longer than most of us realized.

  3. Al Donnelly says:

    I’m guessing this might be after the first expansion beyond the original structure. They’ve probably added the full dining room right then since the first phase was so small. Permanent Guests and New House sounds a lot like more space has been added. Hershey became a stockholder early but it took a while for her to gain full control and start the re-building. Streetcars are up to one every fifteen minutes in peak hours (that’s not running time to the city) and this will later reach each ten minutes…doubtful the fleet would be able to cover that very easily in 1903 but Sherman was a big full-work shop complex and still very active before the merger era. I’ll put my bet on horse #1906 to win, show, or place.

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