Color photo of the Cinerama Dome decorated for Easter for the premiere of “Mame,” Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, March 27, 1974

Color photo of the Cinerama Dome decorated for Easter for the premiere of “Mame,” Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, April 1974

I don’t normally post photos as late as the 1970s, but this one was too cute not to. The movie musical “Mame” starring Lucille Ball had its premiere at the Cinerama Dome on Sunset Blvd on March 27, 1974. (We can see the crowds gathered on either side of the entrance waiting for all the stars to arrive.) It was Easter time, so someone in the publicity decided to give the Dome an enormous Easter bonnet, which can’t have been easy or cheap, because it’s 70 feet tall.

William D says: “The installation was handled by the WB Drapery department!”

Mark W says: “The great WB press agent Marty Weiser thought this up. He was brilliant.”

I also found this daytime photo:

Color photo of the Cinerama Dome decorated for Easter for the premiere of “Mame,” Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, April 1974

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3 responses to “Color photo of the Cinerama Dome decorated for Easter for the premiere of “Mame,” Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, March 27, 1974”

  1. Dom says:

    Thank you …I love it!

  2. Chris k says:

    Was awesome thanks!!!!

  3. nlpnt says:

    Seriously rare car in the daytime shot, besides the Chevy Vega and VW Beetle there’s a Peugeot 204/304 wagon which was only sold in America for a few years and without much success even compared to the bigger RWD Peugeots.

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