Viewpark Pharmacy drug store and multi-business building at the corner of West 48th St and Crenshaw Blvd, Los Angeles, 1931

Viewpark Pharmacy drug store and multi-business building at the corner of West 48th St and Crenshaw Blvd, Los Angeles, 1931This is just a random drug store that anchors a building which also houses a bunch of other businesses, including a dye works and something called Sunfreze. It was on the corner of West 48th St and Crenshaw Blvd, so it was in the middle of suburbia, not close to anything special, but it caught my eye because I thought it was so cute and so distinctive – especially with all those decorative flourishes along the roofline. Today’s equivalent tend to be so cookie-cutter samey-samey. This photo is from 1931.

I’m not entirely sure I’ve got the correct corner, but if I do, this is how it looked in June 2011. (The Google Streetview camera car hasn’t visited there in 12 years(!))


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4 responses to “Viewpark Pharmacy drug store and multi-business building at the corner of West 48th St and Crenshaw Blvd, Los Angeles, 1931”

  1. Gordon says:

    Thanks, Donnie.

  2. Al Donnelly says:

    I’d go for the hot lunch, but only if that’s a dining area upstairs.

  3. Greg says:

    What’s blurred out in the now photo?

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