Children’s show in progress in the Roof Garden Theatre on the roof of the May Co department store, 801 S. Broadway, downtown Los Angeles, 1931

Children’s show in progress in the Roof Garden Theatre on the roof of the May Co department store, 801 S. Broadway, downtown Los Angeles, 1931I don’t have a lot of information about this photo other than it was taken in 1931. With all those mothers sitting in the audience, it looks like some sort of children’s show going on a makeshift stage. The sign says “The May Co. Roof Garden Theatre” so I’m assuming those people are on the roof of the May Co flagship department store at 801 S. Broadway, in downtown Los Angeles. And as this was 1931 and the worst of the Depression had really kicked in, I also assume that this was a way of luring housewives to the store. “Put your kid in a show and stay to buy a scarf, a radio, and a new pair of shoes for your talented little darling.”

Byron T says: “Los Angeles use to celebrate the city’s birthday with an event called “Fiesta” with a parade and other events. September 4, 1931 would have been a special Fiesta with the city being 150 years old.”

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