Spotlights light up the Carthay Circle Theater during a big Hollywood movie premiere, San Vicente Blvd, Los Angeles, undated

Spotlights light up the Carthay Circle Theater during a big Hollywood movie premiere, San Vicente Blvd, Los Angeles, undatedI couldn’t find no details for this striking photo of the Carthay Circle Theater, but in a way the actual specifics aren’t necessary. To my way of thinking, this photo could have been taken at any of the big, splashy star-studded movie premieres that took place during the theater’s run from 1926 to 1969. Whichever movie was opening this particular night must have been a biggie, if the number of spotlights grazing the inky night sky is anything to go by.

** UPDATE ** – It was the premiere for MGM’s “CAPTAINS COURAGEOUS” on May 17, 1937.

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10 responses to “Spotlights light up the Carthay Circle Theater during a big Hollywood movie premiere, San Vicente Blvd, Los Angeles, undated”

  1. I saw Around the World in 80 Days there. Thanks.

    • Martin Pal says:

      William, for some reason I can never get a handle on where this theatre used to be when I’ve been around that area. Do you know what “building” is now located where this theatre used to be?

  2. David Ginsburg says:

    It is the premiere of CAPTAINS COURAGEOUS on May 17, 1937.

  3. Al Donnelly says:

    This is probably the shot that inspired the “movie premiere pot bust” scene that appears in L.A. Confidential. Of course, not having the theater around, they went down to Gramercy to do the set up where the bank tower still stands. (BTW….hope it was a good break for you!)

  4. Bill Wolfe says:

    Didn’t these big movie premiers bother the local residents? Unlike, say, the Egyptian, which is on a commercial street, Carthay Circle is primarily resiedential. (Or at least it looks that way when I drive by on Olympic.)

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