Looking northwest from Temple St between Broadway and Spring St, downtown Los Angeles, 1892

Looking northwest from Temple St between Broadway and Spring St, downtown Los Angeles, 1892No matter how many photos I see of downtown Los Angeles in the 1890s, I will always be amazed at how spread out and low-key and quiet it was before the discovery of oil and the development of the movies. In this photo, we’re looking northwest from Temple St between Broadway and Spring St in 1892. There are still many homes in the area, but commercial buildings like the one in the foreground have started to dominate. The large building in the right-hand background with the tower was LA’s second city hall and would be replaced by the now-iconic Los Angeles City Hall in 1928.

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One response to “Looking northwest from Temple St between Broadway and Spring St, downtown Los Angeles, 1892”

  1. Bill Wolfe says:

    Any idea what the commercial building in the lower right portion was? I also am curious about whether there were any zoning ordinances in 1890. Next to that commercial building is what looks like a single-family residence, and next to *that* is what looks like a multi-family residence. An unusual mish-mash, and one that we probably wouldn’t see nowadays.

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