The Supreme Restaurant, Broadway, downtown Los Angeles (undated)

The Supreme Restaurant, Broadway, downtown Los Angeles (undated)I could find no information on this photo, not on this restaurant other than it was called “The Supreme” and it was somewhere on Broadway in downtown Los Angeles. But look at that gorgeous typeface and how they chose to advertise: “THE SUPREME … PLACE TO EAT.” Talk about raising the expectations of potential customers. They must have been very confident of their menu, and I have to admire that.

** UPDATE ** – Further investigation has revealed that The Supreme was at 835 S. Broadway. The photo below shows us how that same building looked in February 2023. It looks boarded up and covered with graffiti but I think that’s because it’s part of the renovation of the Hamburger department store building. We can see the fire escape cage is still there.

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6 responses to “The Supreme Restaurant, Broadway, downtown Los Angeles (undated)”

  1. William E Bergmann says:

    Love that sign!

  2. Paula says:

    Man, I LOVE Art Deco storefronts.

  3. Bill Wolfe says:

    I can practically picture Joan Crawford slinging hash behind the counter.

  4. Patti says:

    What a beautiful place!

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