Aerial shot of the Taft building at the corner of Hollywood and Vine, Hollywood, 1926

Aerial shot of the Taft building at the corner of Hollywood and Vine, Hollywood, 1926I wish this photo were bigger so that we could see more detail, but when a photo was taken nearly 100 years ago, we have to take what we can get. This 1926 aerial was shot taken looking southeast across the intersection of Hollywood and Vine. That skyscraper (because back then, 12 stories counted as a skyscraper) is the Taft building, which opened in 1923. These days, the most famous intersection in LA has three buildings that tall, but back then, as we can see here, it really stood out. The Dyas department store on the southwest corner (later The Broadway) opened in 1927.

This image gives us an idea of what that same intersection from the same angle looked like in May 2022.


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One response to “Aerial shot of the Taft building at the corner of Hollywood and Vine, Hollywood, 1926”

  1. Martin Pal says:

    That current aerial shows what a huge monstrosity that W Hotel is!

    We know that the depression thwarted the building of a “skyscraper” on the NW corner of Hollywood and Vine (also the Pantages Theatre was to be one, but scaled down), but it does seem odd to me that in the years since, not one tall/taller building was built on the NW corner of one of the most famous intersections in the world. And now it’s a parking lot.

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