The staff of The Pig Stand gather out front of the restaurant on the southeast corner of Sunset Blvd and Vine St, Hollywood, 1931

The staff of The Pig Stand gather out front of the restaurant on the southeast corner of Sunset Blvd and Vine St, Hollywood, 1931Here we have the staff (and maybe some customers?) standing in front of a restaurant that in 1931 had just opened on the southeast corner of Sunset Blvd and Vine St in Hollywood. The restaurant was called The Pig Stand, which is a name that I doubt would fly these days. But people did know what they were getting, as the sign says: “Barbecued Pig and Beef Sandwiches.” It represented direct competition with Carpenter’s which stood on the northeast corner until NBC Radio acquired the land and built their studios on that corner. Carpenter’s moved across the street to where The Pig Stand had been.

Here we have an advertisement for a 10-cent steak sandwiches special at The Pig Stand.

Advertisement for 10-cent steak sandwiches at The Pig Stand on the southeast corner of Sunset Blvd and Vine St, Hollywood

This is how that same corner looked in May 2022.


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5 responses to “The staff of The Pig Stand gather out front of the restaurant on the southeast corner of Sunset Blvd and Vine St, Hollywood, 1931”

  1. I met my wife at a Pig Stand in Austin, Texas in 1963! I did not know they were here too. Thanks. She got a kick out of this.

  2. Martin Pal says:

    I don’t care for that name; Pig Stand! If I had a wife, I don’t think I’d ever say the line, “I met my wife at a Pig Stand,” either! LoL!

  3. Mary Hogg says:

    Chili beans cost more than a steak sandwich?

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