Here we have a bird’s-eye view of Hollywood High School. That main road running from left to right near the bottom of the picture is Sunset Blvd, crossing with Highland Ave at the bottom right corner. The school no longer looks like this. One site I found said it was rebuilt with funding from the Public Works Administration (PWA) between 1934 and 1935. From the look of the surrounding nice homes and apartment buildings and the baby palm trees lining the north side of Sunset, I’m guesstimating this photo to be circa late 1920s. (If you can help narrow that down for me, I’d love to hear from you.)
This is a satellite image of Hollywood High is from May 2022.
The Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel opened on May 15, 1927, and Grauman’s Chinese Theatre opened on May 18, 1927, and neither of those look to be under construction in that photo, so the photo would have to be at least a year or two before that, I’d say!
Interesting to see what’s located where the Hotel is now!
The Roosevelt Hotel is missing, and was opened in 1927. This must be about 1925 at least. I found my house on 7017 Hawthorn, before it was moved in 1947, ending Sam Spade’s residency.
It looks so much more extensive with larger buildings in the earlier photo and so diminished in the latter, and yet appears to occupy the same footprint.
I proctored civil service exams on Saturdays at Hollywood High in the early to mid-1980s. It was exciting to see all the photos on the walls of famous folks who had been students there. At the time, there was a pay-by-the-hour motel across the street, an indication of the area’s somewhat seedier condition. (It’s since been replaced by an In and Out Burger, a name change which seems delightfully apt.)
The old Bonnie Brier Hotel which should be at the top right of the image is missing and there’s just an empty space there. It was thought to have been demolished by the early ‘30’s and replaced by the Rexall Drugs & Park Hotel
buildings later. But this image would suggest it was already gone before 1927. And what is that huge structure going up just past the memorial auditorium site? I haven’t spotted it in any other images yet. Another victim of the Earthquake back then?
Do you mean the Long Beach earthquake? That was 1933.
It got Compton good. I suppose the effects could have gone up all the way to Hollywood. Just don’t know what this building was or when it came down.
The large structure turns up completed in a 1930 oblique angle aerial. It is definitely the new auditorium. Another lower block structure is found to the west of it which replaces the residential type ones in this view. And the whole corner of the old Bonnie Brier has been rebuilt by then.