Color photo of Ivar Market at the corner of Ivar Ave and Yucca St, Hollywood, circa 1940s

Color photo of Ivar Market at the corner of Ivar Ave and Yucca St, Hollywood, circa 1940sWouldn’t it be nice if we still had these local markets with fresh produce on display out front and a place to park your car right out front? Ivar Market (I love those red letters spaced along the overhang) was at the corner of Ivar Ave and Yucca St in Hollywood which puts it a block from Vine St and two blocks from Hollywood Blvd. Going by the car in this photo, the closest I can date this photo is circa 1940s.

According to one source I found, that building is now a restaurant called Joseph’s. This image is from June 2022, but I can’t see any sign of the market here.


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8 responses to “Color photo of Ivar Market at the corner of Ivar Ave and Yucca St, Hollywood, circa 1940s”

  1. Al Donnelly says:

    There’s something on that handwritten sign to suck in the customers and it starts as “Pop..”. Neither Popular nor Popsicle seems to work well, but Popcorn might do it. And the object drawn-in left of the word might be a rendering of a bag/box of the stuff? I’m guessing not so much for the auto shopper element, but rather the foot traffic passing by like kids on their way home from school in the afternoon. Small markets and liquor stores (before those Bill & Ted sidewalk slushy sit-a-spells) made up the extra little sales on these things. (Now, back through the junkyard before someone sicks Chopper on us.)

  2. Bob Powers says:

    Very interesting photo. The building has been added on to…the addition takes up the space of the old parking spots in front of the store. But the old building is intact.

  3. Bob Powers says:

    …and the tower has had a pyramid structure added at the top.

  4. Jim Lewis says:

    In the late 1950s and early 1960s, this was a florist shop and the octagonal bit on the south side was a small coffee shop. The shop facing on Yucca Street was an electric razor repair store. How things change!

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