Night shot of Ken’s Hamburgers, Ken’s Ice Cream, and Ken’s Dinner Bell restaurant, California (undated)

Night shot of Ken’s Hamburgers, Ken’s Ice Cream, and Ken’s Dinner Bell restaurant, California (undated)I don’t know who Ken was, but between his hamburgers, his ice cream stand, and his Dinner Bell restaurant, he must have been a busy guy. I could find no information on this photo or on any of Ken’s businesses other than they were somewhere in California. But in a way, this photo is kind of timeless, like a scene from a film noir where a schmo meets a femme fatale and tomfoolery ensues.

Gregory H. of Facebook found this terrific advertisement for Ken’s Hamburger drive-in restaurant, Bixby Knolls, Long Beach, California, 1952:

Advertisement for Ken's Hamberger drive-in restaurant, Bixby Knolls, Long Beach, California, 1952

Newspaper article about Ken (Kenneth McConnell) from 1958

Newspaper article about Ken (Kenneth McConnell) from 1958



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9 responses to “Night shot of Ken’s Hamburgers, Ken’s Ice Cream, and Ken’s Dinner Bell restaurant, California (undated)”

  1. Bernard Lee says:

    Is this Bixby Knolls? There was a Ken’s in Long Beach that apparently was a big local hangout.

  2. David Ginsburg says:

    There was one in Bixby Knolls at Long Beach Blvd. and Roosevelt, and one in Lakewood on South Street off Bellflower Blvd. The picture is the Bixby Knolls location.

  3. Al Donnelly says:

    Fairly datable since the extra signage under the hamburger price reads, “We’re Sure to do a Million in ‘52”. Wasn’t much longer when everyone began to competitively focus on the 19-cent priceline for a common single patty. Nothing like getting change back on your two dimes. At least you can decorate those penny loafers a week from next Friday night.

  4. Scott Gamble says:

    Love those “schmo meets a femme fatale and tomfoolery ensues” movies. I thought the same thing about the look of this place, wondering if it might have been used as a movie location at some point in time before it disappeared. Lovely find Martin!

  5. Steve Edelman says:

    I think this photo can be dated. Look under the “18c” where it says “WE’RE SURE TO DO A MILLION IN ’52.” So it must be 1951 or more likely 1952. Also, 18c is about the right price for 1950’s fast food burgers. This predates and may have inspired McDonald’s “OVER A BILLION SOLD” etc.

  6. matt mcconnell says:

    Thats My grandfather. Thanks for the article

  7. Dan Kamikubo says:

    Ken’s in downtown Long Beach was our favorite place when we were kids! They had shoestring French fries, a large hamburger they called “Mr. Big”, and later even served pizza!

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