Sports event on the grounds of Hotel Green near the Santa Fe Railroad station Pasadena, California, circa 1900s

Sports event on the grounds of Hotel Green near the Santa Fe Railroad station Pasadena, California, circa 1920sAccording to the caption on this photo, some sort of sporting event was happening on the grounds of the Hotel Green, a large and luxurious hotel that opened in 1893 in Pasadena, where it quickly became a social hub. In the background we can see the turret of the nearby Santa Fe Railroad station, which was conveniently placed for guests arriving by train to escape the harsh winters back East. But what intrigues me most about this (I’m guessing circa early 1900s?) photo is that very tall pole in the foreground. Why is it so tall? Is it a streetlight? A beacon? Suggestions, anyone?

Stephen C. says: “The light is an arc light. They were blindingly bright if placed too low, but if placed high enough they provided the perfect illumination for large areas that almost gave a daylight effect within their field of illumination. Many cities used them in this era.”


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10 responses to “Sports event on the grounds of Hotel Green near the Santa Fe Railroad station Pasadena, California, circa 1900s”

  1. Gordon Pattison says:

    I believe it was an electric light.

  2. Mary Hogg says:

    Seems like this might be earlier than the 20’s. Those appear to be all horse and buggies. No cars. Unless that has to do with whatever the sporting event was.

  3. mark says:

    Love this photo, it does appear to be around 1900? The ladies in long dresses and covered by umbrellas. No cars to be seen anywhere. Maybe a baseball game ready to start?

    • Mark says:

      Also looking at photo there looks like another streetlight across the street next to a tree from the shadow its casting. Alot going on in this photo.

  4. Bob Meza says:

    This is a large area street light. Maybe a carbon arc or gas type. Early 1900’s. Incandescent lights were not bright enough back then to light a large area. Carbon arc lights were so bright they were used to light warehouses and put up high on poles to cover large outdoor areas.

  5. Bob Meza says:

    Looking closer at the photo you can see electric power lines that attach to the pole at the pole center and once it gets to the pole two wires go up to each side of the light fixture bottom. So yes it is an electric light. Amazing resolution for a photo this old.

  6. Bob Meza says:

    I have verified that this tall pole is a Carbon Arc Streetlight. The year would be late 1890’s early 1900’s when they were used. This link below tells all about the Carbon Arc streetlight and how they worked. Carbon arc lighting is still used for its UV output to test aging of paint and other materials under controlled conditions. It is also used for outdoor advertising in military searchlights from W.W. II. Its 5 1/2 mile beam in the sky attracts people to special events.

  7. Bill Wolfe says:

    Back in the early 1990s, I looked at a one-room unit here that was for sale. I decided against it because it was too small and Pasadena is about 10-to-15 degrees hotter than where I lived on the Westside. But I’ve always been glad that I had a chance to see the inside of this grand building.

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