Panorama photograph looking across the Hollywood Hills toward the Hollywoodland sign, Los Angeles, circa late 1920s

Panorama photograph looking across the Hollywood Hills toward the Hollywoodland sign, Los Angeles, circa late 1920s

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I don’t have a lot of information on this panorama photograph looking north across the Hollywood Hills toward the Hollywoodland sign. The sign went up in late 1923 and it looks like it’s still in fairly good condition. Along with the fact that homes have started to fill in the foothills—and some of them quite big, too—I’d say this shot was taken sometime in the late 1920s.

Andie P says: “The “leveling” of Mt. Lee has been extended so I think this would be just before the transmission tower was erected in 1931.”

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One response to “Panorama photograph looking across the Hollywood Hills toward the Hollywoodland sign, Los Angeles, circa late 1920s”

  1. A site as important as this should have a structure worthy of it.

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