Looking east along 5th St from Hill St, downtown Los Angeles, circa 1920s

Looking east along 5th St from Hill St, downtown Los Angeles, circa 1920sTwo days ago I posted a photo from the 1920s looking north up Hill St from Fifth St toward College Theatre. This photo taken around the same time of the same intersection, but in this one we’re looking east along 5th St from Hill St. We can now see all of that shield-shaped sign on the building corner: “Brooks – Suits & O’coats – $25.” In the long sign stretching along the building that says “Brooks $25 – Just One Single Price” so I guess everything they sold was 25 bucks, which sounds a lot for the 1920s. In this angle we can also see there were GO/STOP semaphore traffic signals on all corners. And those charming 5-globe street lights. But most of all I like those two men in the convertible on the left and the two women on the right in those very-20s hats.

Advertisement for Brooks from the LA Evening Express October 7, 1926:

Advertisement for Brooks from the LA Evening Express October 7, 1926

This is roughly the same view in February 2021 with the Pershing Square subway entrance on the right.


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3 responses to “Looking east along 5th St from Hill St, downtown Los Angeles, circa 1920s”

  1. Mary Hogg says:

    I love this shot. So full of life! And many of the buildings are still there. The one on the left even still sporting its balconies. So often, any detail the least bit interesting was obliterated. Ironic that the most beautiful one on the right corner with the rounded front and dome, was the one to go.

  2. Martin Pal says:


    Martin, when I first noticed the two women in those hats I thought of Some Like It Hot!

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