Snowfall on 14248 Sylvan St, Van Nuys in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles, 1948

Snowfall on 14248 Sylvan St, Van Nuys in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles, 1948As you may have heard, Los Angeles has been subject to a lot of weather these past few days: an atmospheric river that brought us nearly half a year’s worth of rain (if news services can be believed.) So I thought I’d post this photo taken in 1948, when LA also received unusual weather — snow! — outside 14248 Sylvan St, Van Nuys in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles. Snowfall in LA isn’t unheard of, but on this particular occasion it looks like they got quite a coating. That layer on the hedge looks to be several inches deep.

For what it’s worth, this is what you see when you plug “14248 Sylvan St, Van Nuys” into the Google Machine. This image is from October 2022.


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5 responses to “Snowfall on 14248 Sylvan St, Van Nuys in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles, 1948”

  1. Martin Pal says:

    I love photos of Los Angeles in the snow. The Hollywood Sign got dusted last year! There are some snow photos from 1921 around the Chaplin Studios on La Brea which we saw in the aerial photo a couple days ago.

    • Martin Pal says:

      Of course! I typed “snow” into the search function and Martin has at least 16 snow photos to view on his website, and two of them are the Chaplin Studios shots like I mentioned above!

  2. Patti says:

    This would be a walk in the park for us in the Midwest. Just two weeks ago we got 3 feet of lake effect snow. It was something! Almost all melted now.

  3. Patti says:

    Oh sorry. I live near Lake Michigan and when we have a mild winter and the temps do not get cold enough the lake does not freeze over. Then when we get cold air that moves thru and the wind comes out of the North/Northwest, because it is not frozen, we get lake effect snow!!

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