Looking along a palm-tree-lined Beverly Dr, Beverly Hills, 1936

Looking along a palm-tree-lined Beverly Dr, Beverly Hills, 1936I don’t know where along Beverly Dr. in Beverly Hills this 1936 photo was taken, but it probably doesn’t matter as I suspect the whole street looked like this. It looks to me like someone went overboard when planting those alternating palm trees. It might just be the angle, but they do seem too close together. Then again, I’m no arborist, so what do I know? All I know for sure is that I envy those two motorists having the whole street to themselves.

This is how Beverly Dr. looked in August 2022. 88 years later, now that those palms trees have matured, they don’t seem nearly as crowded together.


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4 responses to “Looking along a palm-tree-lined Beverly Dr, Beverly Hills, 1936”

  1. Patti says:

    Am I imagining it, or could those palm trees have been thinned out? Still looks beautiful!

  2. Carole Isaacson says:

    I remember some years ago there was a blight hitting the palm trees and many had to be removed. There was an outcry to save or replant as many as possible.

  3. Joan Lewis says:

    Hello, Martin.
    Me again……Joan Lewis. I grew up in the 700 block of North Rexford Drive in Beverly Hills. My parents bought the house in 1933 for $12,000. They completely remodeled it and I lived there until I got married in 1949. In 1953, they sold that house for $50,000 and bought an acre lot at the top of Alpine drive, north of Sunset, for (gulp) $15,000. They built an English half-timber house there and kept it for about 10 years, sold it, and moved to Indian Wells in the desert, where they lived out their lives. The last I checked, there was no longer a house on the Alpine property which I believe is now worth in the vicinity of $8,000,000. From your dated picture of Beverly Drive, I believe it was taken in the 900 block.

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