Looking east long Wilshire Blvd from Normandie Ave, Los Angeles, December 14, 1949

Looking east long Wilshire Blvd from Normandie Ave, Los Angeles, December 14, 1949In this view, we’re looking east long Wilshire Blvd from Normandie Ave. It was taken on December 14, 1949 (note the Christmas wreath on the Wilshire Special streetlight on the right.) It reminds us how Wilshire Blvd wasn’t always a long corridor with tall buildings looming on each side. In fact, in this photo we can see one of the large homes that still stood on Wilshire. On the plus side, we can see Bullock’s Wilshire tower, the Immanuel Presbyterian Church, and the pylon at the driveway of the Ambassador Hotel, all of which are still with us. And a special shout-out to the driver of that two-toned Pontiac!

Historical Los Angeles in Facebook said: “The house at right, 3500 Wilshire, lasted until 1953. The celebrated team of Veloz & Yolanda taught dance there using the slogan “Walk in, dance out.”

This is how that same view looked in November 2023. At least there are more trees on Wilshire now.


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6 responses to “Looking east long Wilshire Blvd from Normandie Ave, Los Angeles, December 14, 1949”

  1. My Dad had a two-tone 47 Pontiac at that time.

  2. Al Donnelly says:

    Interesting info. on Veloz & Yolanda. IIRC, they were up in Hollywood at a location that went over to Arthur Murray Dance Studios.

  3. Patti says:

    Wow! Was there really houses along Wilshire Blvd? They are absolutely lovely! I imagine most were razed for stores going in the neighborhood? Thank you for the photo!

  4. Greg says:

    What a great shot; love the POV in traffic! Thank you.

  5. Al Donnelly says:

    Street to the right was S. Irolo. Normandie came down to the left side.

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