Atmospheric night shot of Bay Cities Laundry at 2334 Washington Blvd, Los Angeles, 1940

Atmospheric night shot of Bay Cities Laundry at 2334 Washington Blvd, Los Angeles, 1940This shot is an odd one. I couldn’t find this image posted anywhere else online, nor could I find “2334 Washington Blvd” on a map. I did, however, find a listing for Bay Cities Laundry at 2334 Washington Blvd in the Santa Monica and Venice 1936 City Directory online, so I know it existed and that the caption gave the right address, but that’s all I know about this place. But in a way, I don’t mind. The image is dripping with so much atmosphere that it pretty much speaks for itself, if you ask me.

This photo gives us an idea of what their delivery trucks looked like:

Bay Cities Laundry delivery van

2334 Washington Blvd is now is now 2334 Abbot Kinney Blvd:



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6 responses to “Atmospheric night shot of Bay Cities Laundry at 2334 Washington Blvd, Los Angeles, 1940”

  1. David R. Ginsburg says:

    The answer to this mystery is very simple: Venice didn’t adopt the name “Abbot Kinney” for that street until 1990. Before that, it was called West Washington Boulevard. Thus the site of the Bay Cities Laundry is now 2334 Abbot Kinney Boulevard. See:'s%20most%20famous%20street%20didn,1903%20as%20Toltec%20Place!)

  2. JCF says:

    Actually they must have shifted addresses around a bit when they changed the name? Because the building is still there at 2100 Abbot Kinney:,-118.4597463,3a,75y,11.63h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sfEN5wszPdqASJaOnDJPieQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu\

  3. Paula says:

    Oh, wow. I’ve probably driven by this building literally dozens of times. My brother used to live just down the block on Victoria. I most likely didn’t notice it since it’s painted all white like that.

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