Igloo ice cream store, 4302 W. Pico Blvd, Los Angeles, circa late 1920s

Igloo ice cream store, 4302 W. Pico Blvd, Los Angeles, circa late 1920sYou’ve got to love the idea of a Los Angeles ice cream store fashioned to look like an iceberg. It’s a gimmick, sure, but it’s a gimmick that was obviously working because the Igloo Ice Cream store had plenty of customers. Technically, this is call mimetic architecture, which describes a building which resembles in some way the product it sells. This one stood at 4302 W. Pico Blvd, Los Angeles in the late 1920s. I admire the way they even included a little three-mast sailing boat, which I assume is an ice-cutter—and probably the only ice-cutter ship in all California.

This is how that corner looked in March 2015.


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5 responses to “Igloo ice cream store, 4302 W. Pico Blvd, Los Angeles, circa late 1920s”

  1. Don Solosan says:

    I’ve not seen this shot before. Along with the ship, it has those polar bears on either side (you can just see the one on the right). This is what I miss most about modern LA — all these quirky, interesting places that would have been so much fun to visit with friends.

    • I agree Dan. I see fewer and fewer quirky, individual places these days.

    • mark says:

      You also can see the other polar bear peaking over the lady’s shoulder on the far left. Everything seems to have to be a chain to succeed these days.

    • john says:

      I so agree with that Don!!! But look at the beautiful parking lot in it’s place. Oh God we need more parking lots in the world!!!! LA is loosing so much of it’s charm,

  2. Patti says:

    The before picture is so charming! I would have loved to visit and buy some ice cream! Thank you, Martin, for sharing!

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