Filming outside the Brown Derby restaurant, 1628 N. Vine St, Hollywood, circa 1930s

Filming outside the Brown Derby restaurant, 1628 N. Vine St, Hollywood, circa 1930sIn this circa 1930s photo taken outside the Hollywood Brown Derby restaurant at 1628 N. Vine St, it appears someone was filming something. The guy just inside the door way appears to be grappling with a camera tripod. The movie camera itself isn’t very big, so it doesn’t look like a major production was going on, but I am curious to know what they were filming. And here’s something else that’s interesting: In the background, we can see the name BEBE DANIELS on an awning. Daniels was a popular screen actress in the late 20s and early 30s, but perhaps she opened some sort of store in the Brown Derby building later in life?

This is how that sidewalk looked in May 2022.


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