Aerial color shot of the Hollywood Bowl with its reflecting pool, circa mid-1950s

Aerial color shot of the Hollywood Bowl with its reflecting pool, circa mid-1950sIn this aerial color shot, we’re gazing down on the Hollywood Bowl that still had its 100,000-gallon reflecting pool. It was installed as part of a host of upgrades in 1953 and remained until 1972. It really stands out at this height doesn’t it? The layout of the buildings that surround the bowl have changed a fair bit over the years, but the Bowl itself has barely changed at all.

Here is a shot of the Hollywood Bowl’s reflecting pool mid-construction in 1953:

This satellite image of the Hollywood Bowl is from May 2022.


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2 responses to “Aerial color shot of the Hollywood Bowl with its reflecting pool, circa mid-1950s”

  1. Jim Lewis says:

    I well recall the reflecting pool. I remember it being covered over and used for the ballet of Stravinsky’s “Rite of Spring”, drained and used for extra seating and, for a while fountain jets were installed that ran during intermission.

  2. Jim Lewis says:

    I suspect that those supports are for the wood planks that covered the pool for shows. I remember the Rite of Spring evening and then earlier Walt Disney Night when dozens of little kiddie cars were driven on stage.

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