A view of the ornate Pasadena City Hall, Garfield Ave, Pasadena, California, 1930

A view of the ornate Pasadena City Hall, Garfield Ave, Pasadena, California, 1930Looking at this photo, it doesn’t take much imagination to think you’re looking at some grand, 17th century building somewhere in Europe. But no, it’s actually in California. This is the Pasadena City Hall on Garfield Ave in Pasadena. It was built in 1927 and (according to Wikipedia) combines elements of both Mediterranean Revival and Spanish Colonial Revival style architecture. These days, it is of course surrounded by neighboring buildings, but back in 1930, when this photo was taken, it stood out like a beacon drawing people to the city.

I found this beautiful color photo on the Wikipedia page for the Pasadena City Hall:

Pasadena City Hall at dusk, 2008

I was in Pasadena in May 2024 and had some time on my hands so I went up there and took some photos. Here’s a few of them:




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8 responses to “A view of the ornate Pasadena City Hall, Garfield Ave, Pasadena, California, 1930”

  1. Gordon Pattison says:


  2. Martin Pal says:

    Great photos, thanks!

  3. john says:

    You have such beauty in California. I must try to see this magnificent building in person one day. You are truly blessed to live there Martin.

    • Hey John, I discovered this building on a nighttime walking tour and have long wanted to see it during the daytime. So when the opportunity presented itself, I took it!

  4. Skip Nicholson says:

    Brilliant photos! Thank you. The Pasadena City Hall became, I think it was the Philippines in Joseph Sargent’s “MacArthur” with Gregory Peck.

  5. Patti says:

    It is a really beautiful building!

  6. Bill Wolfe says:

    Pasadena City Hall is used as the City Hall of the fictional city of Pawnee, Indiana in the TV show, Parks and Recreation. I love seeing your photos, Martin. While I’ve driven past it many times, I’ve never had a chance to see the views you’ve shown us.

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