Motorists drive the Colorado Street Bridge across the Arroyo Seco, Pasadena, California, 1914

Motorists drive the Colorado Street Bridge across the Arroyo Seco, Pasadena, California, 1914When this photo was taken some time in 1914, it’s quite possible that the motorists seen here were driving across the Colorado Street Bridge for the first time. The bridge opened on December 12, 1913, making it easier to get in and out of Pasadena, so maybe they were all Sunday drivers out for a joy ride. On the other hand, it could well be that this was taken at peak hour—but did LA even have a peak hour back in 1914? Somehow I doubt it. Either way, I think this is a gorgeous image.

I thought the autocolorizer did a good job bringing this image to life.

Motorists drive the Colorado Street Bridge across the Arroyo Seco, Pasadena, California, 1914

The Colorado Street Bridge is still with us, but is dominated by the Ventura Freeway. This satellite image is from May 2022.


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5 responses to “Motorists drive the Colorado Street Bridge across the Arroyo Seco, Pasadena, California, 1914”

  1. Mary Hogg says:

    The modern photo is facing west. Do you know which direction the old photo is facing? Looks like maybe it’s looking east.

  2. Name Withheld says:

    Based on the curve we know it is facing east. To the left the Rose Bowl would be built in the next decade.

  3. Martin Pal says:

    Both your b&w and auto colorized photo are wonderful. It’s really such a lovely piece of work.

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