A woman plays traffic cop, possibly at the intersection of Sunset Blvd and Highland Ave, near Hollywood High, Hollywood, 1927

A woman plays traffic cop, possibly at the intersection of Sunset Blvd and Highland Ave, near Hollywood High, Hollywood, 1927I have no information about this photo other than it was taken in 1927. Al D., who sent it to me, thinks these two are standing at the intersection of Sunset Blvd and Highland Ave in Hollywood, and that’s Hollywood High behind those short palm trees with the thick trunks. Wherever they are and whoever they are, I bet there’s a story behind it. And if it involves a pretty girl in a fur coat in Hollywood, chances are it was a publicity stunt for an aspiring actress. But I’m rather concerned for the traffic cop. That little wooden box is all that protects him from a wayward driver.

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One response to “A woman plays traffic cop, possibly at the intersection of Sunset Blvd and Highland Ave, near Hollywood High, Hollywood, 1927”

  1. Al Donnelly says:

    The 1922 image posting which should confirm this location: https://martinturnbull.com/2021/03/19/looking-west-along-sunset-blvd-from-highland-ave-hollywood-1922-2/

    The odd structure sitting on a mound above the lawn area in the right, partially obscurring the school, could be a sign for Hollywood High. There is one in that general area later on.

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