Looking west along Hollywood Blvd from Wilcox Ave, Hollywood, 1909

Looking west along Hollywood Blvd from Wilcox Ave, Hollywood, 1909Given how relentlessly urban and gritty Hollywood Blvd is these days, it can be hard to conceive that an afternoon perambulation down the boulevard could ever have looked as genteel as this. The view in this 1909 photo is Hollywood Blvd looking west from Wilcox Ave. Get a load of all that full, lush greenery on both sides of the sidewalk, not to mention those kids dressed up in their Edwardian finery.

I thought the auto-colorizer did a pretty good job bringing this scene to life.

This is how that view looked in May 2022.


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3 responses to “Looking west along Hollywood Blvd from Wilcox Ave, Hollywood, 1909”

  1. Chris k says:

    Looks awful today compared to years before.

  2. Mary Hogg says:

    That is really disheartening, and gives the lie to the belief that progress improves our lives over time.

  3. Paula says:

    At least, there are still SOME trees in the 2022 photo!

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