Looking north up Westwood Blvd to the Holmby Building on the northwest corner of Weyburn Ave, Westwood, Los Angeles, circa 1930

Looking north up Westwood Blvd to the Holmby Building on the northwest corner of Weyburn Ave, Westwood, Los Angeles, circa 1930We’re looking north up Westwood Blvd to the Holmby Building on the northwest corner of Weyburn Ave in the Westwood section of Los Angeles. On the southwest corner is Desmond’s, which someone described to me as an upper middle class menswear store. Look at all those buildings, freshly painted gleaming white, so pristine and bathed in all the endless Californian sunshine. Goodness gracious, what a utopia must have felt like, especially to people who had moved to the crowded, cold cities back east.

This is how roughly that same view looked in October 2023.


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5 responses to “Looking north up Westwood Blvd to the Holmby Building on the northwest corner of Weyburn Ave, Westwood, Los Angeles, circa 1930”

  1. john says:

    I am happy to see that the building is still there but look at how much more cluttered everything seems to be now days. To many signs and just stuff all over the place. I wish it were serene like it was in 1930. Way to much clutter in cities today!!!!

  2. john says:

    What happened to the nice grass in the median?????

  3. Patti says:

    The before picture is certainly beautiful!

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