A Chrysler (probably Imperial) is parked at the Paramount Pictures studio gate, Marathon St, Los Angeles, circa late 1940s

A Chrysler (probably Imperial) is parked at the Paramount Pictures studio gate, Marathon St, Los Angeles, circa late 1940sThese days, Paramount Pictures faces Melrose Ave, but back when this photo was taken, it the front of the studio was a block north on Marathon St. I doubt anyone could park their car directly out front of the famous studio gate, so I suspect this shot is staged — if only because I don’t see any studio guard telling the driver to “Move along, please.” My pal at the Petersen identified this car is a 1946-48 Chrysler, probably an Imperial, so let’s call this photo circa late 1940s.

Richard B. says: “I think this is a scene from the film My Friend Irma Goes West (1950). That is actress Corinne Calvet in the white suit.”

This satellite image from May 2022 shows us that gate is now deep inside the studio.


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3 responses to “A Chrysler (probably Imperial) is parked at the Paramount Pictures studio gate, Marathon St, Los Angeles, circa late 1940s”

  1. Earl Gandel says:

    No more Marathon St.?

  2. Patti says:

    I can only imagine how many stars walked thru that gate! All those old time actors. Gives me the chills! Nice photo.

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