Umbrella Super Service gas station selling Violet Ray gasoline, 830 S. La Brea Ave, Los Angeles, circa 1930

Umbrella Super Service gas station selling Violet Ray gasoline, 830 S. La Brea Ave, Los Angeles, circa 1930Yesterday, I featured a photo of a gas station selling a brand of purple-colored gasoline I’d never heard of: Violet Ray. And what was the first photo I randomly came across this morning? A photo of the aptly-named Umbrella Super Service gas station, and what brand of gas did they advertise? Violet Ray! This umbrella-shaped gas station stood at 830 S. La Brea Ave in Los Angeles, and this photo was taken circa 1930.

This is how that site looked in June 2024. Yet another parking lot (which, as an LA motorist, I’m always grateful for. But as a student of LA history, not so much.)

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2 responses to “Umbrella Super Service gas station selling Violet Ray gasoline, 830 S. La Brea Ave, Los Angeles, circa 1930”

  1. john says:

    Martin, Are you kidding us !!!!! Another damn parking lot in place of a beautiful gas station!!!!! There should be a law against this type of thing!!!!
    No one in their right mind would prefer a parking lot over what was once there. Please say it isn’t so.

  2. Rich says:

    From 20 years later, a great post about the West Coast “cool” jazz scene…
    and “The Haig” a cottage turned into a small jazz club in the early ’50s on Wilshire Blvd.
    The pics are great… especially the first one that depicts the Gaylord
    in it’s first year.

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