Looking north up a bustling Broadway from 5th St, downtown Los Angeles, circa 1908

Looking north up a bustling Broadway from 5th St, downtown Los Angeles, circa 1908This photo looking north up Broadway from 5th St shows that circa 1908 downtown LA was a lively and bustling place—and also a bit dangerous. Ducking around the streetcars are those new-fangled horseless carriages on roads with neither lanes nor traffic signals. Also, those sidewalks look like they’re packed shoulder to shoulder. Underneath the streetlight that appears to have seven lamps is a mother with a young child and a baby carriage. I hope they all made it safely to the other side of Broadway!

This is how that view looked in June 2024. While it lacks the atmosphere of the 1908 photo, at least you don’t take your life into your own hands if you want to cross the street.


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6 responses to “Looking north up a bustling Broadway from 5th St, downtown Los Angeles, circa 1908”

  1. Paul Yonadi Jr says:

    Where’s all the hustle and bustle? Todays pic looks like a ghost town compared to yesteryear.

    • To be fair, though, Google often sends out its Streetview cars – at least in downtown – when there’s very little traffic, and that usually means very early on the weekends. So the image isn’t a fair representation of what downtown LA (or any city) looks like on an average weekday afternoon.)

  2. Fered says:

    Was it more dangerous in 1908? I’d be interested in data. Those cars weren’t going so fast then. More than 10,000 pedestrians and bicyclists die every year on US roads and the numbers are increasing.

  3. mark says:

    Looks like that is the Owl Drug store on the corner. You can make out part of the sign behind the streetlight. I read this was their 2nd location at 5th and Broadway opening in June 1904. I like all the activity in this photo, I would have loved to take a stroll down Broadway in this changing time.

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