Aerial view of an almost-completed Los Angeles City Hall, downtown Los Angeles, 1927

Aerial view of and almost-completed Los Angeles City Hall, downtown Los Angeles, 1927 (small)Click on the image to see a much larger, zoomable image.

In this rather breathtaking aerial photograph, we’re treated to a view of Los Angeles City Hall. It opened on April 26, 1928 and this photo was taken (probably late) 1927, so City Hall wasn’t quite finished yet. But we can see why and how it stood out: It’s bigger, taller, and blindingly bright! (It’s clad with light grey California granite.) We can also see the old Los Angeles Times building (the one with the tower close to the bottom of the photo) and the old Hall of Records, which is the building close to City Hall built at a weird angle.

EJ says: “The Hall of Records followed the old street grid. When City Hall was built, Spring Street was realigned.

This is a satellite image of that same area in December 2023.


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2 responses to “Aerial view of an almost-completed Los Angeles City Hall, downtown Los Angeles, 1927”

  1. Al Donnelly says:

    Look how it dwarfs the old Times tower. It’s like the folks at city hall are holding up one of those sponge rubber sports-fan hands and screaming “We’re Number One!”. At annexing everybody else…maybe.

  2. John Fisher says:

    Note the two other buildings on the grounds of City Hall–the Bank of Italy to the north and another to the south. Does anyone know what it is?

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