These days, the Westwood part of LA is highly developed, anchored by the campus of UCLA. But back when this photo was taken on December 18, 1928, it was mostly still dirt, dirt, and more dirt, with some houses interspersed around the open land. This house looks to be quite large—and why not? There was plenty of room. But if the people who lived there needed to borrow a cup of sugar, it looks to have been quite a hike!
I’m not 100% sure which direction the vintage photo was looking, but I think this is roughly how that view looked in October 2023.
Anyone else getting the Bluth family home vibes?
Ha! Yes! You’re absolutely right!
Based on the photo below, the building may have been at Hilgard and Weyburn. Would likely mean the photo in your article is looking east.
As a Bruin, I love these old photos. Such a difference even when I was there in the late 60s/early 70s.