Here we see a concept that wouldn’t fly today: the Los Angeles police force on bicycles. But back in circa 1904, when this photo was taken, I suppose bikes were the quickest and most nimble way to get around town in a hurry. This dozen or so cops are pedaling along Broadway in downtown Los Angeles at around 6th Street, but imagine them pursuing today’s criminals. I guess it would come down to who had the fastest two-wheelers!
What they do now (last time I was down there on foot), since badges can’t be omnipresent, they have people on bicycles, with radios on police frequency, acting as extension of police eyes and ears, so if something unfortunate is going on they can call for a police response.
Ah, that’s interesting. I do remember seeing policemen on bikes in Santa Monica in the late 90s/early 2000s and wondered how effective they were or where they just more of a presence for optics sake.
Where have you been, Martin?
Oh my! Where indeed have I been? That’s a legitimate question to ask!
I’ve watched a team of LAPD bicycle officers at two Sherman Oaks locations (Ventura Blvd. at Van Nuys Blvd. and Woodman Ave. and Riverside Drive park at the edge of a parking lot entrance and watch cars roll to a stop at the corner traffic light. When a driver slowed to stop and was on the phone, the bike cop peddled next to their drivers window and motioned for the car to pull over, then stopping adjacent lanes of traffic to accomplish the stop. They worked efficiently and shocked each driver they cited. I talked to one of the waiting officers and he said they also were able to see people not wearing their seat belts and even expired license tags. Once stopped they sometimes found other violations. if the motorist tried to speed away there were motorcycle officers in the area that they can summon directly via their radio to make the stop and add an additional charge of evading. They kept busy and were paying their own salary with the number of violators that seem to think they are special and don’t have to obey our laws.
Wow, I’ve never seen any of that, and I’m around that area every now and then. I’m impressed!