KMPC radio studios and transmitter, 9631 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills, circa mid 1930s

KMPC radio studios and transmitter, 9631 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills, circa mid 1930sUntil I came across this photo, I didn’t know (but probably should have guessed) there used to be a radio station broadcasting out of Beverly Hills. These are the studios and transmitter of radio KMPC, which I think of as broadcasting out of the old Warner Bros. studios at 5858 Sunset Blvd. But those photo shows that once upon a forever ago (aka mid-1930s, when this photo was taken) they were at 9631 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills, where they made sure everyone knew they were “The Station of the Stars.” That tower was one of two bookending the station, and I’d imagine back in 1930s Beverly Hills, they must have really stood out.

Here’s another shot showing both towers:

This is roughly how that view looked in May 2024.


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17 responses to “KMPC radio studios and transmitter, 9631 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills, circa mid 1930s”

  1. Ron Wolf says:

    KMPC was owned by the McMillan Petroleum Company, years later it was owned by Gene Autry.

  2. Tom Chelsey says:

    Thanks, Martin. From an old Hollywood DJ! Know the history of these old radio stations! Gene Autry owned the station the station, and many other projects. If you have an pix of the old CBS Columbia Square building back in the day. About 30 years ago I applied there when it was KNX Radio! Today its a restaurant/cafe establishment. I went down there to check it out.
    The folks there don’t know a thing about CBS!!!!! Hollywood history is gone!
    Sad statement. I worked over at KFWB, the old Warner Brothers radio station, though it was owned by another company in Hollywood, off Franklin Ave. The place used to be a movie sound stage years ago. They said Bela Lugosi worked there!

  3. Tom Chelsey says:

    Martin, the sad statement today is AM radio is long gone. You either have network sports or Spanish programming. I worked at AM 570 in the 90s playing Sinatra. No more EZ listening. Now its all sports. Some of the AM radio stations are off the air because its just not profitable to run them. The owners would surrender the license to the FCC. Luckily there’s FM and its still popular. The AM leaders are KNX AM, KFI AM News radio only.

  4. Patti S. says:

    Wow! Warner Brothers the movie studio had a radio station? I never knew that. I learn so much interesting info here on Martin’s website. Thanks to everyone for sharing their knowledge!

    • Tom Chelsey says:

      Hi Patti, I work at Warner Brothers (seasonally), tours and sales, and yes, the studio did have a radio station, started up in the 1930s and was in fact on the lot, KFWB call latters. Legend has it that Ronald Reagan was on the air, either as an actor or announcer. He had the voice, you have to admit. A fun fact, although for tourists they are more interested in Harry Potter and Batman and Superman. Westinghouse (theres a name from the past!) bought it from Jack Warner in the 50s, and moved it off the lot. Had a series of owners, then became news radio, like KNX. The station is a legend.

    • Tom Chelsey says:

      Patti, one more thing. My mistake. The radio station started up in 1925, so its one of the oldest in LA. The call letters, KFWB, meant the Four Warner Brothers, Harry, Albert, Sam and Jack. Those names are a MUST for all tour guides. Westinghouse bought it in the 60s, but it was sold in the early 50s to one of the station managers. Jack Warner was more interested in movies, than radio. It made sense.

  5. Joan Lewis says:

    Dear Martin…..
    Me again….. As you may recall, from past notes to you, I was born in Beverly Hills in 1928, and am still very active.
    I vividly recall the KMPC radio station. In the 30s, we used to visit the station where they let us watch them record a very spooky program. I cannot remember the name of it…….but perhaps someone, still here, can.
    BTW, I am currently in the process of self-publishing my book titled BORN IN BEVERLY HILLS IN 1928. Will send you a copy, if have your address.

  6. Joan Lewis says:

    Dear Martin…..
    Me again….. As you may recall, from past notes to you, I was born in Beverly Hills in 1928, and still very active.
    I vividly recall the KMPC radio station. In the 30s, we used to visit the station where they let us watch them record a very spooky program.
    BTW, I am currently in the process of self-publishing my book titled BORN IN BEVERLY HILLS IN 1928. Will send you a copy, if have your address.

    • Tom Chelsey says:

      Hi Joan. I have a super question for you. Did you know Lois Laurel, the daughter of Stan Laurel (Laurel & Hardy). I believe she was also born in Beverly Hills around the same time, late 20s. I had the honor of interviewing her on my morning show at KFLAG FM in Laughlin, Nevada in the early 90s! She and her husband used to vacation there, so a sponsor brought them over to me. We had a wonderful time and we took pictures. A movie buffs dream. She passed some years ago.

      • Joan Lewis says:

        Hello Martin….No, I did not know her. I was at Beverly High..1942-1946. When I was there…. friends with Eric Blore (father was actor who played butler in Astaire, Rogers films). Good friend of Barbara King, whose dad was Walter Woolf King… lived on Alpine, next block over from me at North Rexford. Also very close friend of Andre Previn…….Father was my piano teacher. All these old friends are gone now. So much history still with me………ask me questions any time! You will love my book……not for sale…just for family and friends.

  7. Joan Lewis says:

    Sorry……….My last note was for you, Tom!

    • Tom Chelsey says:

      Thats ok. Lois was a very nice person, and I miss her and her husband. They were local celebs in Laughlin, NV, also Catalina Island. My home away from home! By the way, I loved Eric Blore. His final film was with the Bowery Boys, called Bowery to Baghdad (1954). He played a drunken genie who has to deal with Leo Gorcey and Huntz Hall. It’s hilarious and is a classic, always shown on Turner Classics. By the way, did you know that Gorcey’s wife was the first to drive a pink Cadillac in Hollywood? Jayne Mansfield got the idea from her.

  8. Patti S. says:

    Tom, I can believe President Ronald Reagan was likely on the radio at Warner Brothers. He did a lot of sports broadcasting in Illinois where he was from. I believe he even did a lot of Chicago Cubs baseball games. I think he got his start in broadcasting in downstate Illinois. I really enjoy your comments. Thank you!

    • Tom Chelsey says:

      Thanks, Patti. I am an old radio announcer, so these folks inspired me. Yes, Ronald Reagan was a sports announcer, he certainly had the voice. But probably at Warner Brothers he was acting in radio shows, or was the show announcer. Love the old stories, and reason I got into tours at WB.

  9. Patti S. says:

    Tom, I love old time Hollywood. I bet it was so interesting to work at WB doing tours. I love old radio shows also. I live in the Midwest, but love everything to do with the Golden Age of Hollywood. Martin’s blog is so interesting with the old pictures and love everyone’s comments and knowledge.

    • Tom Chelsey says:

      He’s the best. I often reply to all his pix, they are fascinating. The sad thing is today there are few who know the golden age of hollywood. We all try our best to be keeprs of the flame.

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