Color photo looking south along Beverly Drive where it crosses Sunset Blvd, Beverly Hills, circa 1950s

Color photo looking south along Beverly Drive where it crosses Sunset Blvd, Beverly Hills, circa 1950s

Although there’s not a lot going on in this color photo, it does, nevertheless, feels like a quintessential shot of 1950s Beverly Hills. We’re looking south along Beverly Drive where it crosses Sunset Blvd. And that means the landmark Beverly Hills Hotel was to the immediate right of the photographer. Although the signage and traffic lights have all changed, this view look much the same with Beverly Hills’ curved streets and towering palm trees. (Source Historic LA, Facebook)

This is roughly how that view looked in August 2022.


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One response to “Color photo looking south along Beverly Drive where it crosses Sunset Blvd, Beverly Hills, circa 1950s”

  1. Tom Chelsey says:

    Thanks, Martin! Cali-for-nee is the place ya outta’ be, so they loaded up the truck and moved to Beverly. Swimmin pools, movie stars! I was on my way to Century City not that long ago, passing through Beverly Hills, and its AMAZING to see a few folks living in tents on the street corners! I guess if you’re homeless, its safer in Beverly Hills than Hollywood. Of course, some of those folks, perhaps, didn’t pay their taxes and are protesting! Anything goes.

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