The then-new headquarters (aka “temple”) for the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks next to Angels Flight, Olive St, downtown Los Angeles, circa 1909

The then-new headquarters (aka “temple”) for the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks next to Angels Flight, Grand Ave, downtown Los Angeles, circa 1909Yesterday’s photo of Hamburger’s department store sent me down an Elks fraternity rabbit hole, which took me to this photo. It was taken the same year – 1909 – which was when Elks Lodge No. 99 opened its new headquarters (aka “temple”) pictured here on Olive St next to Angels Flight funicular in downtown LA. The Elks convention ran from July 11th through 17th, and this building had opened in May of that year, replacing the Crocker mansion, which was one of the most prominent and well-known 19th century homes in LA. The convention attracted thousands of Elks and their families. One report I came across said that Angels Flight handled 60,000 passengers that week. Each car only holds 20 passengers, so the line must have been very long all week. (Source: Water & Power Assoc)


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4 responses to “The then-new headquarters (aka “temple”) for the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks next to Angels Flight, Olive St, downtown Los Angeles, circa 1909”

  1. Michael Bershad says:

    Hey Martin-
    I’m confused by this photo. Is this shot of the bottom of the hill or the top? It doesn’t look like either.

    • We’re standing on Olive (not Grand Ave, as I originally wrote) at the top of Angels Flight. Those stairs on the left led up to what I guess was a viewing platform that is more visible when on the bottom looking up the hill.

  2. Michael Bershad says:

    I was thrown, not realizing that it’s a ladder up to the flag/tower, not the tram itself. So it’s obviously a shot at the top.

  3. Al Donnelly says:

    If you’ve ever seen the beginning of the film “Avalon” where the immigrant sees America for the first time, then that’s a bit like how you might have pictured Angels Flight upon approaching initially it at night before it was taken out of there. Of course, there was all of downtown and New China Town to add to that spectacle. Reaching the top landing was a bit like arriving on the moon (before Armstrong outdid everyone else). An event to leave a permanent stamp on your noggin’. Now, you cut ze turkey without me!

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