In the 1930s, pleasure-seeking Angelenos certainly weren’t starved for choice when looking for some beachside fun. This aerial shot shows four “pleasure piers” built one next to the other. From the top down, there’s the Santa Monica Pier, Crystal Pier, Ocean Park Pier, and Venice Pier. Seeing them lined up like this makes me wonder if any locals made a day of it, taking in all four piers in one day. It wouldn’t surprise me!
Pier names are incorrect. Closest one was a dance pier. I have a list, will search for it….
Sunset Pier was below Venice (Lick/Dome). Above was Ocean Park, then Crystal, then Santa Monica (Loof Pleasure and city Municipal combined). Out of view were Long Wharf, then Malibu. (Stub wharfs don’t count here.)
Yep, there are five piers in this picture. Crystal Pier is the small one between (at the top of the picture) Santa Monica and Ocean Park. Then, Venice, and Sunset (the one with the angle).