Search Results for: pico

Aerial photograph looking north from at an empty development from Pico Blvd up to Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, 1924

Imagine flying over Los Angeles and this is the view you see when you look down. This is the area known as Century City but back in 1924, when this photo was taken, it was still a brand new development … Continue reading

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Igloo ice cream store, 4302 W. Pico Blvd, Los Angeles, circa late 1920s

You’ve got to love the idea of a Los Angeles ice cream store fashioned to look like an iceberg. It’s a gimmick, sure, but it’s a gimmick that was obviously working because the Igloo Ice Cream store had plenty of … Continue reading

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The Smiling Irishman car lot at the northeast corner of W. Pico Blvd & Vermont Ave, Los Angeles, 1952

Car salesman, Walter Wellman, billed himself as The Smiling Irishman on his car lot at the northeast corner of W. Pico Blvd & Vermont Ave, Los Angeles. I don’t know if his gimmick drew in the customers, but it made … Continue reading

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Night shot of Bundy Theatre, 3414 Pico Blvd, Santa Monica, 1946

I love that this photographer thought to take a night photo of the glowing neon surrounding the Bundy Theatre in Santa Monica, silhouetting that car parked out front. But what I love even more is that several of the letters … Continue reading

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Well-dressed Angelenos gather around two of the Los Angeles’ first electric streetcars on Pico St, Los Angeles, 1887

Angelenos got all dressed up in their Sunday-best finery to be among the first citizens to ride two of Los Angeles’ first electric streetcars on Pico St, which I believe is now Pico Blvd, in 1887. The sign on the … Continue reading

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Aerial shot of William Fox’s Fox Hills studio, 10201 Pico Blvd, Los Angeles, 1928

These days, we know this movie studio as 20th Century-Fox, but back in 1928, when this aerial photo was taken, it was still called the Fox Hills studio, named by William Fox after he bought the 100-acre site on Pico … Continue reading

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Studebaker sign at the corner of Figueroa St and Pico Blvd, Los Angeles, circa 1920s

Here’s a photo of something we don’t see in Los Angeles anymore: a sign for Studebaker automobiles. But drivers passing through the intersection of Figueroa St and Pico Blvd near (what is now the LA Convention Center) would have seen … Continue reading

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Tally-Ho carriages in front of Los Angeles Pico House Hotel with guests about to leave for Echo Mountain, downtown Los Angeles, 1875

This photo was taken in 1875, making it one of the earliest I’ve ever posted. This is Pico House, which was considered LA’s first luxury hotel when it opened in 1870. Those people out front are probably guests of the … Continue reading

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Man received ticket at 2922 W. Pico Blvd near Harvard for riding around in an ostrich drawn cart to drum up business, circa 1920s

I’m sure 1920s Angeleno drivers were used to see all kinds of craziness and kookiness when motoring around LA, but this sight must have swiveled the heads of even the most jaded locals. I don’t know what this guy was … Continue reading

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Open-air cars on the first electric railway along Pico St (later Blvd) in downtown Los Angeles, 1887

I’m glad that someone had a camera on this day back in 1887 when the first electric railway line opened for business on Pico St, in downtown Los Angeles. It wasn’t installed as public transport, but as to assist in … Continue reading

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